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Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle and Hormonal Changes

Understanding Your Cycle for Better Health and Fitness


As women, understanding our menstrual cycle and the hormonal changes that occur can empower us to optimize our health and fitness. Many of us were not adequately educated about menstruation, with 43% of women globally lacking menstrual health education in school. This often leads to poorly managed symptoms and worsened performance during exercise. By becoming more aware of our menstrual cycle, we can improve our overall well-being and maximize our workouts and nutrition.


The Menstrual Cycle: Phases and Hormonal Changes


The menstrual cycle is divided into four phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal. Each phase involves hormonal changes that influence our bodies in unique ways. While the duration of each phase may vary for each woman, understanding these changes can help us adapt our workouts to feel our best.


Menstruation (Days 1-5)

The uterus sheds its lining, leading to low hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) and potentially lower energy. Light workouts can be beneficial during this phase.


Follicular (Days 6-14)

Estrogen levels rise, boosting energy and mood. This is a great time for high-intensity workouts and strength training, as the body is primed to build muscle and enhance performance.


Ovulation (Around Day 14)

Estrogen peaks, and testosterone levels increase slightly, leading to higher strength and energy. This phase is ideal for high-intensity and longer-duration workouts. Be mindful of increased ligament laxity and body temperature.


Luteal (Days 15-28)

Progesterone rises, causing increased soreness and fatigue. Moderate exercise like yoga and pilates can help manage PMS symptoms and support recovery.


Practical Tips for Syncing Your Workouts with Your Cycle


Track Your Cycle

Use a menstrual tracking app to monitor your cycle phases and symptoms. Understanding your cycle helps you plan workouts and nutrition more effectively.


Adjust Intensity

Listen to your body and adjust workout intensity based on your cycle phase. Focus on high-intensity training during the follicular and ovulatory phases, and scale back during the menstrual and luteal phases if needed.


Focus on Recovery

Prioritize rest and recovery during the luteal phase to avoid overtraining and injury. Gentle activities like stretching, yoga, and walking can help maintain fitness without overexertion.

Sync N is here to help you understand and embrace your cycle for optimized fitness. Download our app for personalized cycle-synced fitness plans and expert guidance. Click to get started! iOS | Android 


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